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Catalytic Converter & DPF Alarm Systems
Catalytic converters are devices fitted to vehicle exhausts to
reduce the amount of dangerous gases emitted. They are
often targeted by thieves as they contain valuable metals
and can be removed in less than a minute.
Catalytic converter theft most frequently occurs in car parks, but
they can happen anywhere, thieves may then sell these
converters via scrapyards, online, or ship them out of the country.
"Some of these thefts are happening in broad daylight and in
public areas. This may include groups ‘jacking’ up a vehicle and
working under them using only a battery angle grinder."
Hybrid vehicles are most commonly targeted, as their
metals are more valuable, but any vehicle can be at risk
of catalytic converter theft.
Thieves tend to target vehicles such as vans and 4x4s that
have a higher ground clearance making the converters more
easily accessible. However, all types of vehicles are vulnerable.
“The illegal market for the metals that the converters contain
is strong and each converter can make a thief hundreds of
pounds, but take only a few minutes to remove from a vehicle
and can cost you thousands of pounds to replace.”
If a Catalytic Converter or DPF filter has been removed,
your car will fail its MOT.
A Thatcham 'TQA' approved Catalytic alarm system is protection
for your vehicle, arms automatically once the ignition is switched
off, and disarms automatically once the igition is switched on, a
110db alarm sounder ensures your Catalytic convertor is protected
from thieves being able to cut and remove it without the alarm
system going off.
Also available to protect DPF ( Diesel particulate filter ) is a
filter that captures and stores exhaust soot (some refer to
them as soot traps) in order to reduce emissions from diesel
cars, which also contain valuable metals and can be
targeted by these metal thieves.
Fleet vehicle enquires welcome.
Diesel particulate filter
The inside of a Catalytic Converter